The Washington Post just doesn’t get it.
Why is Obama doing so well against Hillary? It's as simple as ABC, but the far left Democrat Party propagandists at the Washington Post are unable to realize that because they have always been Clinton supporters.
And no, it's not that the black community is so enamored with Obama, either. Nope, that's not the case at all. The real undercurrent in the black community is best expressed by a group of black Detroit-area preachers who coined a phrase they use often: "Obama, where's you mama?" Some tend to overlook the fact that the black community is basically a matriarchal society nowadays and Obama is seen by many in the black church community as "dissing" his mama.
On the other hand, Hillary is only supported by about a third of the Democrats and much, much less by black Democrats. For instance, when Hillary ran alone on the primary ballot in Michigan, the Democrats -- especially the black community Democrats -- clearly showed their displeasure with her. Hillary only won one-third of the vote against "no one"!
The one true point is that Democrats have two failed candidates running for president and they know it. Nonetheless, they have to pick one of the two. Hillary is seen as a condescending wench to many in the black community, especially women. So, they support the smooth talking black guy: Obama.
It's the ABC vote: Anybody But Clinton.