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Thoughts on whatever timely topic comes to mind.

July 28, 2009

Rep. Conyers admits to negligence in Congress

Yet again, the Congressman from Detroit shows his utter disrespect for his position in government and his complete disregard for the wellbeing of his constituents back home.  Worse, this jerk is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, too.

Yesterday, and others reported:

During his speech at a National Press Club luncheon, House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), questioned the point of lawmakers reading the health care bill.

“I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill,’” said Conyers.

“What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”

Remember, now, Conyers has been in Congress for a couple decades and currently chairs the House Judiciary Committee.  So, one would think, he is probably trained well enough to know his job description.

It is both the duty and responsibility of each member of congress to read and understand every aspect of every bill long before voting on it.  If they do not, then simply put, they are negligent and should be charged as such.

July 16, 2009

What Should Happen When a Judge Lies under Oath?

We all could guess, easily, that any judge knows damn well that it is against the law to lie while testifying when under oath. Most judges will get you for that and cause unpleasant circumstances for your person and/or your bank account.

So . . . what do we do with a judge who blatantly lies while they are under oath? Should they be promoted to a higher position? Should they be charged with the felony and taken off of the bench completely? What?

The instant topic, of course, is Judge Sonia Sotomayor and her Senate hearing for the Supreme Court. According to Fox News yesterday:

She said her work as a judge for 17 years does not show any "liberal instincts" in the cases she officiated over. "If he was talking about the fact that I served on a particular board that promoted equal opportunity for people, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, then you could talk about that being a liberal instinct in the sense that I promote equal opportunity in America and the attempts to assure that," Sotomayor said.

Sigh . . . I guess she thinks that her opposition to Constitutional rights, like our Second Amendment rights, our right to freely contract, and her propensity for supporting special rights for special groups, doesn’t count as liberal positions for the purpose of the Supreme Court hearings.

Senate Republican turncoat Arlen Specter was quoted saying that his fear is that Sonia Sotomayor may say one thing at her confirmation hearing and do another as the next Supreme Court justice. Really? Wow, such insight from a Democrat, eh?

"Is there anything the Senate or Congress can do if a nominee says one thing seated at that table and does something exactly the opposite once they walk across the street?" he asked Sotomayor Wednesday during Day 3 of her confirmation hearings as she seeks to become the first Hispanic to sit on the high court.

Yes, Senator, there is something that should be done: Charge her with perjury for all the lies she has already told while under oath and kick her butt out of the judiciary forevermore. After all, she has an extensive written record to fall back on.

Have you no ethics whatsoever in the Senate? Don’t you even care when judges tell obvious lies while under oath?

Oh wait . . . I guess y’all answered my ethics question during the Clinton impeachment trial, huh.

July 14, 2009

Why All Those Socialist-leaning Bills in Congress This Year?

In January of 2007 the House of Representatives for the 110th Congress voted 233-202 to elect Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as Speaker of the House.  She was elected on a strictly party-line (unanimous) roll call vote.  This action by the Democrats was, of course, an outward sign that the Democrat Party was finally acting under their true political colors.  The problem was that, because of our very liberal mainstream media, the underline reason was hushed up and few American voters noticed.

Nancy Pelosi, of course, has been a long term member, and served on the executive committee, of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which is actually an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

So, let’s take a moment to see what type of mischief these card-carrying socialist in Congress have the ability to get into.  According to the Progressive Caucus web site:

The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, U.S. Representatives Raúl M. Grijalva and Lynn Woolsey, welcome your interest in the growing Progressive Caucus.  Our Caucus Members want to do more than speak out against extremism from the Right.  We want to take on the Bush Administration's agenda by providing a comprehensive, thoughtful, progressive alternative -- what we call The Progressive Promise -- Fairness for All (PDF).

So, let’s look at the Progressive Caucus leadership.  The Co-Chairs are:

Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) – a member of the Committee on Education and Labor and the Committee on Natural Resources.  He pushes socialized medicine.

Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) – sits on the Committee on Education and Labor and chairs the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections.  She is also on the Committee on Science and Technology.

There are seven Progressive Caucus Vice-Chairs:

Diane Watson (D-CA) -- sits on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and chairs the Subcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement.  She also sits on the on the Subcommittee for Domestic Policy and the Subcommittee for  Information Policy, Census, and National Archives, and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  She chairs the Congressional Entertainment Industries Caucus and is a Co-Chair of the Korean Caucus

Keith Ellison (D-MN) -- serves on the Financial Services and Foreign Affairs Committees.

Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) -- sits on The Committee on the Judiciary, The Committee on Homeland Security and The Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Mazie Hirono (D-HI) – sits on Education and Labor Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) -- Chairman of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  He is also a member of the Education and Labor Committee.

Donna F. Edwards (D-MD) -- serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee where she sits on the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit,  Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, and the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management.

Alan Grayson (D-FL) -- sits on the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittees of both the House Financial Services Committee and the House Science and Technology Committee.

There are also seventy-some other House members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, as well as two senators.  Many of these members, such as John Conyers (D-MI), chair important committees and sub-committees.   More on that later, as time allows. 

July 09, 2009

Background on the Democrat’s Activities in Congress

Everyone seems to have their favorite conspiracies nowadays and we get "alerted" to four or five new ones a week. So, herein, we shall not be starting yet another. Nonetheless, there really is a well entrenched political organization active in Congress whose goal is to unabashedly reorganize life in the United States as we know it. This group is not at all secret, either; it just never gets much press. Yet, they hold semipublic meetings in our nation's Capitol and everyone in the Washington press corps know about them.

Fifty years ago, most members of Congress would have quickly labeled the goals and activities of groups like this as "un-American activities." Today, all the members of the group in question are members of the Democrat Party, as well as members of Congress.

So, while this cannot be labeled as a secret conspiracy, there really is a workable plan afoot that put the leadership of many of the important committees in Congress in the hands of people with decidedly un-American intentions.

We’re talking about the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Seventy -some members of the House actively belong to the Progressive Caucus (including the Speaker of the House) and herein is part of what drives and defines that segment of the Democrat Party.

The Progressive Caucus is actually an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Their web page was even hosted by DSA until we (and then others) exposed them in a newsletter a few years ago. Originally, their web page was operated by the avowed socialist Representative from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, and the Progressive Caucus was labeled as the affiliated arm of the DSA in Congress.

And, according to them: "DSA is the largest US affiliate of the Socialist International (SI), the worldwide organization of 140 socialist, social democratic and labor parties. The SI has the distinction of being the largest political organization in the world."

Some folks might correctly remember that the SI membership included well known politicians like Josef Stalin, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, and Leon Trotsky. That probably explains why so many of the planks of the Communist Manifesto are included in the Democrat Party's platform and are the expressed goals of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Again, they prove that with their own words. The think tank of the Progressive Caucus is The Progressive Challenge -- The Institute for Policy Studies. The progressive Challenge bills itself as: "Linking grassroots activists, scholars, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus toward a multi-issue movement for fairness and justice for all." It is also aligned with the DSA.

As their introduction states:

The Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Institute for Policy Studies and countless national and community organizations and citizens around the country have been fighting tirelessly for a Fairness Agenda for America -- for a redirecting of national priorities toward fairness and economic justice.

Their "Fairness Agenda" comes as close to calling for the implication of all planks of the Communist Manifesto (those not already written into law) as they dare at the moment.

The Progressive Caucus and Progress Challenge support the Transnational Institute, which has yet another interesting take on socialism in the United States and worldwide.

Studying the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and these associated groups, will provide great insight on what is happening in Congress today and why.

More on this coming up soon. . . .

July 08, 2009

The Negligence of the House

If you hire someone, provide them with a nice office suite and large staff, a huge expense account, and plenty of benefits, wouldn't you expect them to at least try to do their job properly? Well then, tell them so because, in this case, you are supposed to be their boss.

It seems that the majority of the members of the House of Representatives are more reprehensive than representative. Actually, many of us would call them just plain negligent! Not only do they pass bills that are blatantly unconstitutional, they also pass major legislation without even knowing the full impact on the American public.

How can we make such an accusation? Easy. They sometimes vote on bills that were not even fully written yet so there is no way they could have studied and understood the full impact on the legislation on the American people.

Take, for instance, that obnoxious “cap-and-trade” bill. Nancy Pelosi and her negligent band of Democrats in the “people’s House” really stuck it to us with that bill. All proposed legislation should be posted on the net for all Americans to see before it is voted on. But, that’s kind of hard to do when the legislation is not yet written. Worse, as The Washington Times editorialized today:

Welcome to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives. The "people's House" is now a place where bills are voted on not only before legislators or the public have read them, but also before parts of the bills even have been written. Such was the case with a 300-page amendment to the cap-and-trade bill the House passed on June 26. The House leadership could not even produce this amendment on paper, in final form, before it was voted on.

So, how the did the majority of the House know what the hell they were voting on and how it would affect commerce in these United States and impact on the expenses of American families? Fact is, they didn’t and couldn’t!

As also reported by The Washington Times, there’s a citizen’s group attempting to correct this outrageous legislative negligence:

In response to that and other recent outrageous infringements of real representative democracy, a group called Let Freedom Ring is pushing all 435 members of Congress and 100 senators to sign a pledge against such shenanigans on any health care reform bill Congress considers.

We agree with The Washington Times and Let Freedom Ring that “all 535 of them ought to do so” for ALL legislation. Let’s tell them so.

July 01, 2009

Polls Starting to Favor Republicans

We can tell how obvious a situation is becoming when even the liberal media Obama propagandists and their polling companies start mentioning it.  And, this political situation is serious enough to get all those socialists in the leadership of the Democrat Party to start getting their Prozac and Zantac prescriptions doubled and refilled.

The “why” of the situation is easy.  Democrats gave away a couple Trillion dollars of our money to prop up quite a few banks, stock and bond traders and private businesses that appeared to be falling on hard times simply because of their own risky actions. 

Of course, many voters also noticed the news last week when, “Members of US House Financial Services Committee Snapped Up or Dumped Bank Stocks as Bottom Fell Out of Market.”  Yeah, not only were legislators and aides on Capitol Hill unconstitutionally involved in schemes to allow the federal government to control many aspects of banking and industry, a number of them were also using this inside information to bet on the stock and bond markets against the instant results of Congress’ actions .  In industry, that would be illegal.  Not for our self-exalted professional legislators though, eh?

Then there’s all the talk of massive budget deficits leaving certain tax increases for our children and grand-children and the rumblings of large tax increases for us next year.  Add into the mix the administration wanting to socialize medicine and their seemingly adamant attempt to control all forms of energy consumption under the false flag of “fighting” global warming.  So, it’s no surprise when Rasmussen reported yesterday that “Just 18% of U.S. voters now say Congress is doing a good or excellent job, down from 23% in May.”  And, again this week, Rasmussen reports that “Republicans Lead Again on Congressional Ballot.”

The correction for some of this, of course, will be to elect some right thinking adults -- in the form of new Republican blood -- to Congress next year and both Rasmussen and Gallup (the far-left’s favorite pollster) are starting to indicate that is likely to happen.  Hence, my remark above that the socialists in the leadership of the Democrat Party are starting to refill their Prozac and Zantac prescriptions.

Yesterday, Gallup reported that “More Americans See Democratic Party as ‘Too Liberal’.” 

A Gallup Poll finds a statistically significant increase since last year in the percentage of Americans who describe the Democratic Party's views as being "too liberal," from 39% to 46%. This is the largest percentage saying so since November 1994, after the party's losses in that year's midterm elections.

Well, Duh. . . !  Democrats are acting like a bunch of Third World socialists and they expect most of the American voters to approve?   Sorry, but this will not happen.  A slim majority bought into the snake-oil style rhetoric of Obama and his band of social-Democrats during the last election cycle.  But, now that these voters have a moment to see and think about the actions associated with those words there’s a minor revolt brewing.

The revolt, of course, will favor Republican candidates next year.  Better yet, if we see these numbers top 50% favoring Republicans, there could be a major wipe-out in Congress next year and Obama will be yet another failed one-term presidency.

About Me

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.