Everyone seems to have their favorite conspiracies nowadays and we get "alerted" to four or five new ones a week. So, herein, we shall not be starting yet another. Nonetheless, there really is a well entrenched political organization active in Congress whose goal is to unabashedly reorganize life in the United States as we know it. This group is not at all secret, either; it just never gets much press. Yet, they hold semipublic meetings in our nation's Capitol and everyone in the Washington press corps know about them.
Fifty years ago, most members of Congress would have quickly labeled the goals and activities of groups like this as "un-American activities." Today, all the members of the group in question are members of the Democrat Party, as well as members of Congress.
So, while this cannot be labeled as a secret conspiracy, there really is a workable plan afoot that put the leadership of many of the important committees in Congress in the hands of people with decidedly un-American intentions.
We’re talking about the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Seventy -some members of the House actively belong to the Progressive Caucus (including the Speaker of the House) and herein is part of what drives and defines that segment of the Democrat Party.
The Progressive Caucus is actually an arm of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Their web page was even hosted by DSA until we (and then others) exposed them in a newsletter a few years ago. Originally, their web page was operated by the avowed socialist Representative from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, and the Progressive Caucus was labeled as the affiliated arm of the DSA in Congress.
And, according to them: "DSA is the largest US affiliate of the Socialist International (SI), the worldwide organization of 140 socialist, social democratic and labor parties. The SI has the distinction of being the largest political organization in the world."
Some folks might correctly remember that the SI membership included well known politicians like Josef Stalin, Friedrich Engels, V.I. Lenin, and Leon Trotsky. That probably explains why so many of the planks of the Communist Manifesto are included in the Democrat Party's platform and are the expressed goals of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Again, they prove that with their own words. The think tank of the Progressive Caucus is The Progressive Challenge -- The Institute for Policy Studies. The progressive Challenge bills itself as: "Linking grassroots activists, scholars, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus toward a multi-issue movement for fairness and justice for all." It is also aligned with the DSA.
As their introduction states:
The Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Institute for Policy Studies and countless national and community organizations and citizens around the country have been fighting tirelessly for a Fairness Agenda for America -- for a redirecting of national priorities toward fairness and economic justice.
Their "Fairness Agenda" comes as close to calling for the implication of all planks of the Communist Manifesto (those not already written into law) as they dare at the moment.
The Progressive Caucus and Progress Challenge support the Transnational Institute, which has yet another interesting take on socialism in the United States and worldwide.
Studying the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and these associated groups, will provide great insight on what is happening in Congress today and why.
More on this coming up soon. . . .