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May 07, 2010

Al Franken Proves That He Makes a Poor Senator


In today’s Los Angeles Times there’s a very informative article concerning the recently elected Senator from Minnesota: Al Franken.  The article is almost funny, but the video included really tells the story.  Therein, the LA Times reports:

No, this is not a "Saturday Night Live" skit. This is the real thing from the Senate floor where the 100 members are paid $174,000 -- each -- for this work. The folks back home must be very proud of the honorable gentleman.

It's hard to believe that the far-left LA Times would give some space to showing readers just how big of a mistake the voters of Minnesota made in electing this jerk to Congress. 

Also, I never realized how poor of a public speaker Al Franken is.  This video identifies how ignorant (and stupid) he is, too. 



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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.