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Thoughts on whatever timely topic comes to mind.

August 07, 2009

Rent-a-Mob Socialists Activated Yet Again

Heck, I can remember when Town Hall meetings with the Congresscritter used to be interesting. Lately, though, some are becoming dangerous places to be. 

In the mostly blue collar town of Romulus, Michigan, Rep,. John Dingle (D-MI) was greeted by jeers (from Democrats, no less!) at an over-packed town hall meeting when he stated support for socialized government medicine.  Dingle actually had police remove some of the folks speaking against the scheme.

It’s disheartening to see that the Socialist-Democrats are back to hiring the “rent-a-mob” thugs from the unions and ACORN again. Yup, just like the Nazi Brown Shirts, these jerks are sent in to do whatever they can to disrupt the gatherings so nothing of substance can be discussed.

Think about the dichotomy here: 90% of the union workers around the country already have great health insurance provided by their employer. So, why the hell would they disrupt town hall meetings and say they support a government medical plan operated by federal regulators? Fact is, they do not really support the government operated health insurance scheme; the thugs are paid to be there and disrupt those who are against the government socialized medical insurance plan.

In every election cycle, those far left leaders of the unions, and other socialist-leaning groups, pony up hundreds of millions of dollars in what is called “walking around money” for far left activists. Much of that money is used for paraphernalia, food and booze, as well as busses and phone banks -- and to pay disrupting thugs. In other words, it is used to pay those leftist-liberal activists we see out there and bus then around to wherever they are most needed. You didn’t think they were doing that gratis, did you?

Worse, many of the leftovers from the Clinton cabal formed “non-profit” political activist groups that have collected hundreds of millions of dollars in donations. Not only do they support socialist candidates for office, they also pay rent-a-mobs and activist groups to do whatever possible to support socialist programs.

Most of that flow of cash is actually illegal as hell, but prosecutors fear doing anything about it because that system is well entrenched within the leftist factions and the Democrat Party. So, illegal, in this case, is conveniently overlooked. The Democrats in Congress even fixed it so ACORN receives a lot of taxpayer funding to support unconstitutional and socialist programs.

Someday, conservative folks might catch on and fight back with like action. But, currently, there are no conservative groups doing anything like that.

Every person seen at any meeting speaking against government regulated socialized medicine is there on their own time and speaking their own mind. The interesting point is that conservatives are smartening up and that is why they greatly outnumber the rent-a-mob thugs at all meetings. The problem is that they still allow the thugs to make more noise and disrupt things.

However, conservatives are slowly catching on. So, some of this may start changing soon. I just hope things don’t get too rough.

August 05, 2009

More Waste of Funds in our High-Living Congress

The “Elected Ones” are at it again.  By that, I mean that they are spending hundreds of million of taxpayer dollars just to make life more comfortable for themselves.

There are commercial airlines flying all over the globe and all of these commercial airlines have cushy first-class accommodations for the wealthy.  However, apparently these cushy first-class accommodations are not good enough for the elected ones in Congress.  They want better.

Today, Rollcall (a D.C. newspaper that watches Congress) published an article indicating that the “House Orders Up Three Elite Jets”:

At the end of July, the House approved nearly $200 million for the Air Force to buy three elite Gulfstream jets for ferrying top government officials and Members of Congress.

The Gulfstream G550 is a luxury business jet, which the company advertises as featuring long-range flight capacity that “easily links Washington, D.C., with Dubai, London with Singapore and Tokyo with Paris.”  The company’s promotional materials say, “The cabin aboard the G550 combines productivity with exceptional comfort.  It features up to four distinct living areas, three temperature zones, a choice of 12 floor plan configurations with seating for up to 18 passengers.”

This is the very same Congress that chastised the captains of the auto industry for flying private jets.  Yet, the Congresscritters want to be able to fly themselves -- along with their staff and families -- around the world on those dubious “fact finding” trips (read golf, dinners and beach) in the ultimate of luxury.

Yup, they spout that the nation (and government) has fell on hard times, and then they spend $200-million on even more luxury jets for their own use.  Worse, this is just one instance of many. . . .

Isn’t it time we hired some adults to take their places?  Think about it, because this is the time we voters should start looking for good candidates for next year’s primary election -- and start whipping up support for our chosen candidates.

About that Socialist Proposal for Federal Health Care

Apparently Hillary Care lives, and has grown even more onerous this time around. One bright light in the newly proposed Marxist/socialist mess that would be government controlled health care is that many of the really bright lights in the medical community are again coming out in opposition.

Here’s a question that must be answered: Anyone see any authority in the Constitution authorizing the federal government to regulate health care in any way whatsoever? Nope. Of course not, because there is none! Therefore, they should keep their nose out of it completely. Nonetheless, Obama has a plan to do away with the insurance companies and make all health care government owned and operated. And, we can believe that to be true because he said so specifically.

Toker-about-town, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), isn’t known for being too bright but had the correct approach to federal government controlled health care. Conyers proposed a Constitutional amendment making health care a “right”. That will never pass, of course, but at least it’s the proper way for the federal government to get the authority to do such things.

Anyway, Congress has two legal laboratories with which to try such a scheme legally and should show us how good it is by making the plan work there for a few years first:

There are millions of federal employees (including everyone in Congress -- but not the military) who should try their proposed health care system first. Also, the Constitution gives Congress all plenary authority over the District of Columbia, which would also be a great test for the proposed system. This would give federal regulators a few years to get the kinks out (or scrap it completely) before it is imposed on everyone in the nation.

After all, the federal government has a strong history of messing up nearly everything it touches and we cannot expect it to do any better with health care. So, they’ll need some practice before instituting a nation-wide program. Let’s repeatedly suggest that to any available official and see how they like it.

Meanwhile, the White House is officially asking for snitches:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we are asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Ahem . . . Okay then, perhaps we should send them mail, both pro and con. But, to be sure, we should send them mail anytime we hear a politician spouting off untruths about the proposed socialist health care plan -- along with an actual quote from the bill showing how said politician was wrong. And yes, we should also publish it on the net for all to see.

Sure, this is a serious matter. But, that’s not to say that we can’t also use it to have a little fun messing with the socialist heads of the political types along the way by forcing them to participate in the scheme first. Because, if it’s not good enough for them now, it’s most certainly not good enough for the rest of us later.

Tell them so.  Repeatedly.

About Me

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.