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July 08, 2009

The Negligence of the House

If you hire someone, provide them with a nice office suite and large staff, a huge expense account, and plenty of benefits, wouldn't you expect them to at least try to do their job properly? Well then, tell them so because, in this case, you are supposed to be their boss.

It seems that the majority of the members of the House of Representatives are more reprehensive than representative. Actually, many of us would call them just plain negligent! Not only do they pass bills that are blatantly unconstitutional, they also pass major legislation without even knowing the full impact on the American public.

How can we make such an accusation? Easy. They sometimes vote on bills that were not even fully written yet so there is no way they could have studied and understood the full impact on the legislation on the American people.

Take, for instance, that obnoxious “cap-and-trade” bill. Nancy Pelosi and her negligent band of Democrats in the “people’s House” really stuck it to us with that bill. All proposed legislation should be posted on the net for all Americans to see before it is voted on. But, that’s kind of hard to do when the legislation is not yet written. Worse, as The Washington Times editorialized today:

Welcome to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives. The "people's House" is now a place where bills are voted on not only before legislators or the public have read them, but also before parts of the bills even have been written. Such was the case with a 300-page amendment to the cap-and-trade bill the House passed on June 26. The House leadership could not even produce this amendment on paper, in final form, before it was voted on.

So, how the did the majority of the House know what the hell they were voting on and how it would affect commerce in these United States and impact on the expenses of American families? Fact is, they didn’t and couldn’t!

As also reported by The Washington Times, there’s a citizen’s group attempting to correct this outrageous legislative negligence:

In response to that and other recent outrageous infringements of real representative democracy, a group called Let Freedom Ring is pushing all 435 members of Congress and 100 senators to sign a pledge against such shenanigans on any health care reform bill Congress considers.

We agree with The Washington Times and Let Freedom Ring that “all 535 of them ought to do so” for ALL legislation. Let’s tell them so.


MajorNied said...

I would agree that a proper amount of time should be set aside to review the bill and get citizen feedback...say 1 day per 100 pages of Bill. This need to be a law, not subject to house or senate rules. Exceptions for national security of course.

Doug Fiedor said...

When Newt was Speaker of the House, that was the plan -- and proposed law. But, I forget what actually happened, or if it became law.

But, Congress has never been good at following its own laws, anyway.

mohan saravana said...

I think Family Drug Education is very important to the whole family.

Negligence Easy Claim

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.