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May 02, 2010

Great News About Cell Phones for Senior Citizens


Most of us already have cell phones with us when we’re out and about. Those mobile phones help us keep in touch with the kids and grandkids and are really handy in an emergency.

Some of us even send text messages on our mobile phones. But as we all know, those phones are usually very hard to type on -- and besides, the small screen gets rather difficult to read if the text is a little long.

Well, things are changing for the better.

How about if we had a larger screen that was very bright and easy to see? Add to that a keyboard that’s twice the size of the screen keyboards on many cell phones. And, on top of that, add on an eight mega-pixel camera that is simple to use and will also take great videos.

But wait . . . let’s say that we’re out driving around somewhere and see a rather interesting looking restaurant we know little or nothing about but are thinking of stopping at anyway. What are the prices? What do they serve? Is the food any good? Should we take the chance?

If our new phone is also a rather powerful pocket computer and quickie information source, no problem. So, before we go into that restaurant we take a picture of the front of it. Then, one or two clicks (no more) later up pops all the information known on the Internet about the place. Not only will we see everything the restaurant published about itself, but also what previous customers say about the place. Handy, eh? Yeah, quick and simple, too.

That same trick works with many stores and other places, as well as most tourist attractions. That’s right! While some guide is babbling on with their prepared speech, we can find a whole history of the attraction within seconds. Easily, too. And, by easily, I mean that there are not a bunch of steps to learn to make that happen. Touch a big icon on the screen, snap a photo and up comes more information than you’ll probably want to know abut the place. That works with art & stuff, too.

Almost the same thing also works in any store. Say we want to buy a high-ticket item, like a new television. When you find one you really like, take out your little pocket computer/phone and snap a quick photo of the bar-code found on the box or price tag. That easy step done, you have a choice: You can either have your handheld device instantly look up all sorts of information about that product, and/or you can have it list what many stores in your area (and on the Internet) are selling it for. That applies to hundreds of items found in stores, even food -- and soon it will apply to almost everything.

Want to save money on gasoline? That’s simple, too. Wherever you may be, just speak the words “gas station” into your little device and up pops a list of all stations close by. Or, search for “price” and a list pops up from lowest price to highest with an address, phone number and map attached to each of the local stations. Oh . . . you don’t know that area? One click gets the GPS guidance system working and your device will guide you there. Folks who travel a lot with campers or large vans can pay for the phone many times over with the savings from just this one function.

There’s also a simple way of getting store coupons on the phone and, I’m told, that modern check-out computers will scan them right off the phone. I haven’t tried that yet, but I’m told it works well.

And then, for people like me who sometimes get a little lost, there’s yet another handy little function on our new pocket computer/phone. Two simple clicks and a map pops up showing you were you are. You can zoom in or out on the map easily of course. Or, you can type in (or voice search for) where you are going and the GPS system will guide you there.

Unlike some other GPS guidance systems, this one gives the choice between the standard map, an actual street view of the area as you drive, or a satellite view that includes all trees and buildings. You can switch anytime to any view while on the go and the device keeps guiding you with voice commands. So it’s kind of hard to stay lost with this device along for the ride.

Another thing that I find positively amazing is that much of what the little pocket computer/phone can do can be activated with voice commands. That includes telling it to call someone and/or even sending text and e-mail messages.

Yeah, I got that correct: sending text! Speak the words you want written into the phone and somehow the computer part of the phone figures out what you are saying and types it for you. It does a surprisingly accurate job of recognizing what you are saying, too. Of course, you still have to choose who you’re writing to first and then click to send it -- the thing doesn’t read minds yet.

And there you go. These are the basics that most senior citizens will use effectively and maybe often. All are simple to use functions that do not require a lot of training to perform. Some make it easy to keep in contact with family -- and make it very simple to send along photos when you’re on a trip. Any computer and most cell phones can accept these pictures. Two of these easy to use functions can help save you a lot of money -- I’ve paid for my phone many times over in gasoline savings alone. And, of course, that easy to use combination of Google maps and GPS will always tell you where you are and/or direct you to where you want to go. It’s free, too.

Oh sure, there’s more to this new pocket computer/phone. Much, much more! Of course, I’ve left out music and movies because most phones have those nowadays. Instead, I’ve just described a few of the easy to use and very useful functions here. These are functions most anyone in my age group can be expected to use effectively the second day they have the new device.

There are currently about six new mobile Android phones that perform this way. Most have “regular” sized screens, though, which makes it a bit difficult for me to see everything I need to see sometimes. So, I’m currently holding out for the new top-of-the-line HTC-EVO phone Sprint will be offering soon. It may be one of the most sophisticated smartphones available this year, but it will also be one of the simplest to use.

Why? Because this EVO Android phone has a 4.3 inch new-technology screen that is bright and easy to see and you can easily zoom in and out of everything with your finger. I want all of the functions mentioned above -- and a great deal more -- and I want that really nice eight mega-pixel camera that’s part of the device. It’ll have satellite radio service, too, if I subscribe. Really, there’s no reason for me to carry a camera, small computer, Walkman radio, and cell phone when I can now have it all in one device that fits neatly in my pocket. And, yeah, I’ll be using it to save money, too -- a lot of money, I hope




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About Me

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.