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June 13, 2009

Another Spin on the War on Terror

The Russia Today news-source has a theme that “Any story can be another story altogether” and, like many of our liberal major media outlets, often goes far to prove that in various ways.

For instance, Part 2 in their “Spin-a-War” series is titled: War on Terror as a spin of the imagination and opens by declaring:

The war on terror is a maze of magic mirrors creating perfect optical and mental illusions. It has been that way since Day One, or 9/11 as we came to call it. On that day we first heard that America is at war. Or rather -- we read it on the CNN screen. Or on the Fox screen. Every US and international TV channel came up with “America at war” sooner or later on that shocking day.

The article goes on to say:

In reality the attack was very precisely aimed at the symbols of America’s financial and military powers. … They were attacking the main vehicles of America’s hegemonic intentions. No one drove a plane into the Statue of Liberty.

True. But does that makes it any less than an actual attack?

As with any well written article, there are some interesting truths intermixed. Unfortunately, any truths are impeded by the speedbumps of anti-American socialist and communist ideology that always implies that a government elite few can do things best for all of the proletariat and peasants.

For instance, one recommendation states that:

The most effective way to rid the world of an abomination has always been to form a small group of professionals that learns all that can be learnt about the abomination, finds its weak spots, and strikes to kill.

On face value, that may sound okay. But, in this case, the “small group” the author is writing about is probably known to most of us as an all-powerful Politburo.

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.