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June 16, 2009

More Unbridled National Socialism

We’ve read about government control of the auto industry. Now big government going after the medical industry. And, of course we’ve heard about the federal government’s control of sectors of the banking industry. What’s next, the baking industry?

Don’t laugh, there’s an administration plan afoot to take over almost any large industry in the name of protecting consumer's interests.

As Jim Puzzanghera writes in “Obama to propose strict new regulation of financial industry” for the Los Angles Times today:

The plan would give the government new powers to seize key companies whose failure jeopardizes the financial system, as well as creation of a watchdog agency to look out for consumers' interests.

Yes, you probably read that correctly – and read right over the most important part simply because you are used to reading such things frequently nowadays: “The plan would give the government new powers.”

THE PLAN – as in, the Administration’s Plan – would Give Government New Powers. In other words, the Obama administration is giving government these powers.

Are these powers allocated to the executive branch of our national government by our Constitution? If so, dear reader, would someone please point them out to me. If not, then just where the hell did this administration get these powers to give to government regulators?

Point is, we’re not just talking about a plan that’s a little unconstitutional here. Nope, as it seems to me, this administration is talking about instituting control plans that actually come from a form of government that was previously totally foreign to our great nation.

So, okay, what do you call it when a single head of government unilaterally decrees new and draconian controls over the affairs of the people?

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Retired medical research scientist and clinical engineer and sometimes political campaign volunteer. Presently writing political commentary -- and starting to dabble in fiction. Interests include politics, alternative medicine, photography, and communications.